What is the Difference Between Quartz and Quartzite?

What is the Difference Between Quartz and Quartzite?

13 Jul 2023
  Our company, goldtop quartz, produces quartz stone countertops, mainly wholesale and customized, supplemented by retail. Therefore, many customers who contact us often ask us, what is the difference between quartz and quartzite? Today through this blog to share with you.
What is the Difference Between Quartz and Quartzite?
  (1) Quartzite is a metamorphic rock with a quartz content greater than 85%. It is generally formed by recrystallization of sandstone or other siliceous rocks through regional metamorphism. Near the magma, it is also possible that siliceous rocks undergo thermal contact metamorphism to form quartzite. Quartzite is generally of massive structure and granular metamorphic structure, and also contains a small amount of feldspar, sericite, hornblende, pyroxene, etc., with various colors and high hardness, and can be used as building materials or rail paving stones for railways. Solid color fine particles can be used as raw materials for handicraft carving.

  (2) Quartz is a mineral resource with very stable physical and chemical properties. Quartz stone is an abbreviation for the plates produced by quartz stone plate manufacturers. Because the main component of the plate is quartz content as high as 93%. Above, therefore called quartz stone. Gloss: glass luster Colour: none, white, a little gray.

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