In general, when we ready to buy quartz slabs, there many items should be confirm.Like as Quartz Quality(includes physical data, hardness degree, and water absorption,etc), Quartz Slabs Size, Quartz Slabs Price,etc. Of course, some distributors and importers just interest quartz slabs price, and ignore the quartz stone quality,that is a not good for long time developing. Particularly, as we know the different quartz stone suppliers that with various quality class products. For example, some small quartz slabs factory that just can supply quartz stone in hardness less than mosh 5, and standard request is more than mosh 6. Meanwhile, the small factories just can produce slabs size in 2800/1000mm, and we know standard quartz slabs size in 3000/1400mm, or 3200/1600mm now. At the meantime, the different quality class that also decides the quartz slabs price in various too.